Friday, February 19, 2010

old, but also new.

These are pictures from Wolfe Park like a month ago. But I just got them today, I had to send them out to get them developed because I bought a weird kind of fim. Anyways these are my favorites.




Monday, February 15, 2010

daytona 500

There's something about NASCAR that gets my blood pumping. All those cars hitting around 200 mph, the slightest turn can send them flying. Last night was start of the Sprint Series with the Daytona 500. If anyone were to win it, besides David Ragan of course, I would want it to be Jamie McMurray. He's a good guy, and he deserved the win. But David Ragan will always be my favorite :)

David Ragan

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I've always loved aquariums. I think there so relaxing just watching the fish go all around. I want a giant fish tank in my room that takes up the whole wall! Like the ones in that have the different kinds of fish in them, with all the turtles and sharks. Then I would just fall asleep to watching the them swim all around.


Keene State College let me in! This is where i'm going to go I think, it was my number one out of all of the schools I applied to.. which were only 2. hah But I love this school!

shake it, shake it, shake it!

favorite song at the moment :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

happy birthday emily!

Baby girl is 15 today! But she will always be 10 to me :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

about me.

I love getting the lint out of the lint collector in the dryer.
I don't handle pain very well, I tend to faint.
I love waking up before my alarm goes off and realizing I have a couple hours before I have to get up.
I do like to shop but I hate trying on clothes, so I rarely buy any.
I love when little kids laugh, it’s so contagious.
I purposely will walk out of my way to step of crunchy leaves.
I love the smell of fall.
I hate chewing gum, it makes my jaw lock.
My place's potato skins are my weakness.
I have an addiction to iTunes, and I will spend hours on it looking at new bands and such.
My sister drives me nuts, but I still love hanging out with her.
I'm really close with my family.
I don't swim in anywhere else besides the lake. I get itchy from everything else.
I love being home alone, especially during thunderstorms.
Soda from the can is the best.
I have like 5 really close friends I can trust anything with.
My relationship with God is really important to me.
I like being in sanctuaries by myself, its peaceful.
I don't eat meat.
I love to vacuum.
My hearing is awful.
I'm a really picky eater.
I tend to go to bed early, but I can't sleep past 9 in the morning.
The only way I can sleep during the day or in cars is if I am sick.
I can't stand when people fold down the pages in books, it drives me nuts.
I hate cotton balls, they make me cringe.
I read a lot, I love it.
I can spend hours in borders.
I love my backpack; I carry it around a lot when I don’t need to.
I can't drive with my shoes on.
I hate drinking drinks with ice in it. It makes my teeth cold.
I've worn mix matched sox for so long I can't stand wearing matched now.
I'm really OCD about my iTunes and music.
I love freshly washed sheets.
During the winter I put my pants in the dryer for a few minutes so when I put them on their warm.
My new thing is blogging. I do it a lot now.

Monday, February 1, 2010

way back monday.

Tara and I in like 5th or 6th grade.

dream job.

Everyone always asks me what I want to do in the future, like what I want to major in for college. And I always say special education. It's the easy answer, something I wouldn't mind being. But my dream job would to pick all the music out for movies, like the soundtracks. But when I think about it more and more, it just sounds more and more off. There would be no way I would be able to do this, is there even a degree for this? I have no idea. This doesn't even sound like a real job, so for now it’s Special Ed. It makes me happy, it’s rewarding. I will always be able to find a job in this field. And who knows, maybe in the far future this dream will become a reality.