Sunday, January 31, 2010

sunday night.

"To know that the God of the universe loves me; makes all the difference in the world." John

"Your love is shaking me. My heart is breaking free." The Bridge Band

"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love." Colossians 2:2

Just whats been on my mind tonight.


They'll be the death of me. When I don't have time to clean my room or put things away I make little piles all over my room of things that go in the same spot or are similar to each other. I always tell myself that when I have time I can put it away and it will be much quicker. But then it never gets done, and I end up with these piles of the most random things all over my room. Currently there are 5 piles in my room. One for clean clothes, one for dirty clothes, one for hats and such, one for books, and one for projects that I want to get done but seem to forget about. They are all over the place, until I get to that point where it drives me nuts and I stay up till 3 in the morning cleaning because I can't sleep until it gets done.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

accepted :)

I was accepted into Southern CT State University! I'm not sure if this is where I’m going yet, it depends if I get into Keene. But it is such a relief, I’m going somewhere. This makes it so real, like this is actually happening. I'm really going to college, and moving on with life. I have no idea what will happen in the next couple of years, hopefully good. It’s the time of the year where I say this is my last time doing this.. next year you won't be around. Sometimes I feel like I’m dying or something. I guess I kind of am, this part of my life is dying that is. It's such a weird feeling, this time next year I’ll be in college somewhere. Not at home with my parents sleeping in the room right next door or my dog always there knock me over or step on my feet. But with a whole new group of people who I haven’t known for my entire life, and living on my own without my parents there telling me to go to bed or do my homework.

Friday, January 29, 2010

blue skies.

I always seem to be so surprised every time I look up at the sky and it’s extremely blue. I'll be driving and suddenly realize that the sky is bright blue and the clouds are amazing. I always freak out and tell em all excited, and she always says "you say this every day, the sky looked like that the other day too". But I just think it's so pretty. The sky is the only thing untouched. The only thing that man can't build on and destroy. I always just want to fly around in it, soak it up. haha that sounds so weird but how awesome would that be to fly around in the sky and through the all the clouds.

That’s how I picture heaven, up in the skies flying around in the clouds. Looking down on everyone and everything. Every day the skies are bright blue and the clouds are big and fluffy. And you’re just always happy, just being alone with god, in the blue skies.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

the everlasting father, the prince of peace.

George Friedrich Handel's Messiah honestly makes everything better. Just sitting in the jeep with it turned up all the way relieves all the tension in my body, and immediately puts me in a better mood. I don't know what it is about it, all those instruments maybe..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

good day :D

Such an awesome day today.
1. I had free first so I didn't have to go into school until 8:20
2. I had 3 classes, one of which I had a sub in.
3. In math we all got lollypops because our teacher forgot someones name.
4. I had a star on my tootsie pop wrapper!
5. I had the last 2 classes free, so I got out of school at 11.
6. I hung out with taylor, we burned cd's and ate nachos. such a good combo.
7. I went to renew and met a new resident named Lillian. She's awesome.
8. and I finished the day off with potato skins!

Monday, January 25, 2010

way back monday.

em and I back in the day

Sunday, January 24, 2010

never gets old.


I locked my keys in my car again today. Thats the 5th time this month. And I leave them right in the ignition, every single time. I need one of those magnetic hide-a-keys, but until then I just put a sticky note on the steering wheel to remind me to get them.. hopefully this will work.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Kayla and I went to Wolfe Park yesterday to take pictures! This is what we got.

We climed up on the monkey bars and got some pretty cool pictures. But then we got stuck and couldn't get down. hahah it took a while but we eventually got down.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

20 days

Em and I made a bet that I can't buy from itunes for 20 days and she can't buy any clothes for 20 days. Whoever goes the longest or makes it the whole 20 days wins. This is going to be so impossible. I don't think i'm going to be able to go on to my library at all, I always search around when i'm bored.

Monday, January 18, 2010


em always dominates

Sunday, January 17, 2010

hello dearest love,

Welcome Home

- the appleseed cast
one of my favorite song lyrics

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I have too much time on my hands..

I've added up all the hours i've spent on my photography final.. 15 hours. And i'm not even done yet.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I miss this. I miss running around in the backyard playing cops and robbers, tying em and ris to the big tree and pretending they were in "jail". Then us all going inside and watching COPS with my dad and uncle pete. Those were the days; not worrying about school, what was going to happen the next day, or what college I was going to get into.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The best adivice from the most wonderful women in the world.

"Life has the good and the bad, right now i'm just going through the bad. But it'll be okay, you see what would life be if it were good all the time. That would be so boring." - Irene

Monday, January 11, 2010

favorite song at the moment :D

Solution: Hillsong United!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


"Children are a heritage from the Lord"

Waking up early on Sunday mornings is exhausting, especially when you stayed up late the night before. Sometimes I wonder to myself why I signed up for teaching Sunday school class. But as soon as I see their faces light up when we talk about Jonah or Moses I know I’m in the right place. When I get the hugs and the thank-yous after class I know that this was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Friday, January 8, 2010

the more I wait, the more nervous I get.

I've only been waiting a couple days to hear back from colleges, and I already have that weird feeling in my stomach. These next few weeks of waiting are going to suck, hopefully they'll come soon.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

this is the whole group. we are wearing our halloween coustumes.. yes we do perform at halloween parties.

Our very talented triangle player. She can make 7 sounds out of the 11 total sounds thats played on a triangle. Not many people can do that, we're lucky to have her.

Not only does Kerry play the claves (pretty nicley I might add) she ALSO holds the mini american flag. Now that takes skill.

I play the red sticks. You might ask What can a red stick player really do besides hit them together? WRONG. With rubbing the sticks together I create a sound that only can go with the claves and a triangle.

We met almost 8 months ago on a Missions Trip to DC. There A BIG DEAL was born. We not only love eachother but we love to perform. This is why we make a wonderful band.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rachel gave me hope.

Lately I’ve been addicted to the GivesMeHope website and I thought I’d right about someone who gave me hope.

Rachel, my best buddy from last year, is mentally and physically disabled. She walked with a limp but never let it stop her. She placed first place in the running competition part of the Special Olympics last year. The next day she brought in her gold medal to show me and wore it proudly all day. Rachel loved me unconditionally and always had a giant smile on her face and a loud "hi lizzie!" every morning I walked into school. Rachel gave me the strength to fight for people with disabilities, she gave me hope that someday everyone will see the true kindness and love that people like Rachel have.

6:51 am

I have 9 minutes until I have to leave. I woke up too early, I usually have just enough time. I even made my lunch which almost always makes us late. Last night it took me 3 hours to fall asleep. Because of this I got a total of 4 hours of sleep; today is going to be a loong day. But after school I get to go to renew after a long week and a half after not having it, and I get to see everyone! (Kerry this goes out to you hah). So now I have to go Em's yelling at me, telling me to get ready.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

benadryl+the shins+freshly washed sheets

I am going to get the most awesome sleep tonight. Regardless of not wanting to go to school tomorow..

Friday, January 1, 2010

he sounds like Michel from Gilmore Girls!

New Years 2009-2010




kayla.scouter! (so cute)

Happy New Year!
