this is the whole group. we are wearing our halloween coustumes.. yes we do perform at halloween parties.
Our very talented triangle player. She can make 7 sounds out of the 11 total sounds thats played on a triangle. Not many people can do that, we're lucky to have her.
Not only does Kerry play the claves (pretty nicley I might add) she ALSO holds the mini american flag. Now that takes skill.
I play the red sticks. You might ask What can a red stick player really do besides hit them together? WRONG. With rubbing the sticks together I create a sound that only can go with the claves and a triangle.
We met almost 8 months ago on a Missions Trip to DC. There A BIG DEAL was born. We not only love eachother but we love to perform. This is why we make a wonderful band.
this borderline looks legitmate